12. Prusice Run E1 Edition

Etap 1 12. Edycji Prusice Biegają
This year it will be 6 races with general classification for participation in 5.
I wonder where my form is. She probably got left behind 311 participants! Turnout shock, and we started in 3 editing among 30 runners…
3 in the category and just like that for the rest of the stages.

5K: 00:22:56

Five in Bukowy

Five in Bukowy. Run Forrest, Run a new cycle in the running world.
The route was surprisingly difficult and the mud made it slippery. I was sweating a little, but 1 in K40 Organization,protection and marking as usual in Prusice. They run great, and not Trzebnica!
See you next time in June.

5K: 00:29:26


And this year we ran separately. Maciek chose 5 km me 10 km

The weather was fantastic, the sun was shining, the birds sang – nothing but run. However, the conditions were very difficult due to the mud and the amount of water at the last moment, the route was changed and instead of two circles there was one loop with a U-turn after 5 km. The quick change resulted, that it was necessary to run over it 600 meters more than the nominal distance.
I even ran well, the mud was only disturbing in parts, where I was very careful, so as not to slip. Quite unexpectedly, I was the first woman at the finish line.
10K: 00:53:41
5K: 00:28:20