Jaworska Pajda of Bread

Traditionally, we chose the Duża Pajda version. Due to renovations, the route was modified, going uphill in the other direction and turning around 3 circles to the left.
The race director was also cheering us on.

It was getting worse with each lap and I felt the hardships of Saturday's race strongly in my legs. I exhausted myself in this race and, as usual, I came last.
Photo. Organizer

Maybe you should finally start training instead of romantic cycling with regular pedals…

Crown of the Owl Mountains Pieszyce

Pieszyce – Pieszyce – 45,4 km i 1073 up.
Everyone said, that this is the most difficult stage in Korona.
Photo. Organizer

I was afraid, I knew, that I have to ride it, to close the four-year cycle next year and be the only woman to complete the Crown of the Owl Mountains.

The weather was good, at least she didn't bother me. I went and although it wasn't easy – and it has crossed my mind several times – why did I need this?, I reached the finish line.

13. Cross-country Ski Run

Photo. Macko May

We did this race once and it was cold and raining, this time it was hot and the sun was shining mercilessly. I forgot what the route looks like – balk, a forest field and very little in the shade. I was tired from the very beginning and I was very hot, or rather dry. 6km-plus, I was happy at the finish line 3 open women's places.
Photo. Macko May

6,3K: 00:30:06 (3 open K) in 00:30:31