
Maciek had an unpleasant adventure. On one of our wonderful “garbów” stopped trolley. After half an hour fight, and shopping in castoramie (just shook up beside her) a handful of nurseries back home. I do not know how he succeeded! I took up the search spec of repair. In all the workshops said,, so do these things but as I said, it's about Miniak “beans” it quickly retreated. In the end managed to fix it at a friend's friend. Express Repair – 2 days. I was very nervous as he took a small Snow Equipment. The mechanic got a set of components and an extensive lecture on repairs. It seems to me, że wymienił wózek szybciej niż trwała nasza tyrada 🙂
Miniak safe and sound back home, and we breathed.


After returning from the Netherlands found unanimously, that to ride the long distances we have to change seats. After a short search we bought seats from Honda del sol. Cool, profiled ala buckets. We invented an upholsterer – Adam told him and went on a selection of the material.

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Closing the season was held in the Polish Davos. Interesting places we went willingly on a long journey. We rode quietly, because we were traveling all day Friday. In the evening we arrived at the place, was going to be good, the weather was nice. On site we were greeted by snow, but the roads were black. We made a reconnaissance of the area. Rozlokowaliśmy at the – one of the more wypasionych in Krynica.

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And National Car Rally Englischer

This time, Mirka organizes rally in Tarnów Mountains. I really like the gold because they are well organized, buttoned the last button and full of attractions. Around noon, we reach the meeting place. We admire the beautiful English car. My admiration inspires wonderful Jaguar, his mask is incredibly dłłłuuuga. Auto has class and is the only copy in Poland. It turns out, that Silesia is a lot of collectors of antique cars.

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Youngtimer Adventure Rally 3

I love these races, well organized and extremely interesting. He meets so many new places. Collection of the hotel, accompanied by the TVN Turbo.
Maciek gives first interview

Check-in and we go on tour. I am already treated us to a remote control and is going very well, Although at one point we had a dispute dilemma trasowy but after the third crossing route we have chosen the right path.

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