Winter Rally – Poronin

Back home, after rally. I think, that was very successful, This may be the, that it was so organized and we could explore and do what we want. We met near 18 dinner.
On Saturday, the weather has improved considerably – The sun shone but it was frostily. After breakfast we went back to Zakopane. Gubałówka, Krupówki, jumps.

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Today, the first day of winter rally in Poronin. Miniaki until two – my i Biedronisko.
Yesterday we arrived, rode a great – 5,5 hours. Dear Black, snow as a cure. We went through Auschwitz avoiding paying the highway because Maciek ubzdurał, that the costs 32 zł one-way. It turned out, that 16, but so well we rode. The resort is located very nicely with a beautiful view of Giewont.

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Secret project – mydelniczka

On Saturday, started a secret project – codename soap.

We were visiting in Pierre. Very nice, a man driven by passion. He loves to talk about what he does and is proud of his works.
TVN Turbo soon on his next project! We watched the preliminary version of the work – 5 warstw i końca nie widać 😉
We spent over an hour there, results will be displayed at the end of March.


For all the doubters and explain color booking, that the change of color “blue” remained only in the realm of hypothetical considerations.
Kolor zielony flip flop będzie miał nasz trzeci Miniak Marcos 🙂
“Blue” remains atlantic blue, popracujemy only the whiter white roof. I could not change the original color – both I'm very attached.

Test the route

Yesterday was Chieftain “przewietrzony” route. Slightly more than 200 miles one way.

He wrote a great. We showed what some of what it means “Green power”.
I was at the gas station you're requesting from the knowledge of the car. Enthusiastic staff carefully watched car, then said: that such miracles had not yet seen!
We decided, that “green” we will go to the rally to Poronin. It seems, that we will be very few, Miniakami arriving on wheels. The rest are unwilling or are too easily. And so with us is gold Miniaków – or a gun carriage or auto replacement!