By Saturday swirl all the time wondering whether to go on “Low”. Some were only a, that if a fault was Amberze would be so serious, that fell to the Swiss – Babylon to rajdowanie for non pojechał. But everything ended well and in the morning, we decided – go!

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Children's Day

Appeared at “guest appearances” Children (on the spot proved to be, that young people) together with hondziarzami,
Nicholas came with Rajdowalni I was also racing photographer Steven. After a general zmarznięciu przewianiu and returned home.
When parking in the garage Bubbles began to suspect knock on the front. Today I will diagnose the occasion of the reduction of the suspension before Sunday's NLC.
I will add to the niechwalenia, że w Classicauto jest relacja z beskidzkiej majówki ze zdjęciem naszego miniaka i nas 🙂

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I was going to workout today Rajdowalni but unfortunately I can not strain Mr. Bubble. I knew, that the exchange of the trolley in Amberku just before leaving for IMM bode no good. Well, it became – it turned out that after the dismantling of the old will not fix what's new red truck back because I did a lot of havoc. You have to weld and stuff… Auto will not be ready before you leave no unless, that we decide to go “in this state” but whether the suspension stand is no guarantee. So it looks like, Bubbles that is applicable to the next feast miniaków. He has a party on Children's Day, IV runda NLC, replacing steering wheel with the usual sports and we can go. I hope, that the council can!
As if that was not enough I have serious problems with the holiday to Switzerland as Head of “changes her mind”. Ceased all preparations are in disarray shopping, packaging in particular, I and my nerves.