Low Meadows Cup

Today was the first elimination, see if there will still be billed 3 round because the turnout was low and the organization, and so She would limp. I like the track at the “Low” because it has its own climate, however, today I rode badly. On the track it seemed to me, But that is OK at times spoke of another… Took the third place in the classroom – na trzech startujących 🙂

Not waiting for the presentation of the diploma śmignęłam home.

Hot chocolate

In the morning we were at Pierre, BUBBLE went as planned. The effect has passed our expectations. CLUB proved to be “a cup of hot chocolate”. The color is amazing, the saturated and tasty. I could not resist and decided, that as soon as the rest must be painted. We agreed to meet in July. Chłopaki kończyli polerkę a w międzyczasie Bąbel dostał nowe bąbelki 🙂 Wracając padł mi wskaźnik prędkości. Quick service after returning gave no answer what is the cause. By evening szorowaliśmy car: Bubble on competition, Clubiego on gold!


Launch of the longest weekend of this year and we hit the road. The first one on Saturday Słotwina, Club or returns home. W niedzielę pierwsza eliminacja Niskich Łąk i walka Bąblem o puchar 😉 W poniedziałek skoro świt jedziemy zameldować się w Pałacu Brunów a w środę jesteśmy w Rydzynie. After a week of rest on Friday, we hit the Uniejów. Another Saturday is from morning to night and from the track Rocket 23 look for us in Hungary and finally the beginning of June to return home from the rally in Slovakia. Ahoy sailors!
P.S. Macałam legendarną Syrena Sport.

Krause Estate

On Saturday we got up at dawn, we have an appointment with Pierre. The plan was, that we would go for two miniaki. Verified it to weather and short stop at traffic lights in the bubble. Magically, after turning stacyjni ignited interest, and it stuck. Bubble He knew what he was doing sabotaging a trip to the rain – was in the garage. Club fortunately nothing “twisted” and scored the first Polish downpour. Regretted terribly, that we have to go in this weather and I had car damage, Unfortunately, there was no other option. Ruts filled with water proved to 10 very unpleasant, but fortunately the whole road was not so easily the worst and we got to Słotwiny. Wizard boasted an extensive and excellent facility for the coating chamber, new projects and interesting cars. He returned on board, teraz pojawiły się gwoździe i skóra 🙂 Clubi został dokładnie zlustrowany i obmacany. Reception on Saturday – try again to take bubble, can succeed this time.
Just at that time was played Rally Świdnicki – Krause. We passed along the way rajdówki the carriages and a lot of friends, who traveled to parts of the root.


Thank you for sharing photos!
Author: Luke Kunfer

With some timidity I went to competitions. I already had a significant break in rajdowaniu this was a cold. Fortunately, the weather was kind and very pleasant to be rode. The competition was very successful. Auto po zmianach znacznie lepiej pokonuje zakręty choć w przypadku mini wydawało się to niemożliwe 😉 do tego kierownica fenomenalnie leży w rekach i manewry są znacznie wygodniejsze. I can not wait to see the competition 29 April at the Low.
After the race been depending and I spread the disease very.

Onboard by Rally Masters Team