
The road was straight and without holes, going to be nice but it would be even better if it had not rained. After a long, boring route finally arrived at the place. Holiday was enjoyable, surprised me a kitchenette with appliances. In addition to a shop and stocked in Czech specialties made a royal dinner at the time the rain stopped and we went to visit the Old City.
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Snow, changes and nerves

So in a nutshell what we are experiencing. Developing title… because of the lack of spring in the Alps and temperatures below 10 Innsbruck, Snow announced, that in other places the arrears :), introduce frantically re-routing and accommodation. About nerwówce due to the car not to mention. We will save Clubiemu 200 miles and go through the Czech Republic, instead of Germany, the rest of the route without deviations. We exchanged a seat on the “po Amberkowe”, because some kilometers to be traveled and the couch without head restraints are not necessarily suited to the task.
Two days to go.