We're going home or cleaner Bucket List

Of course at night which? Rain and storm, I should have to get used to it, but this time could forgive. So I wanted to collapse the tent dry and nothing in this. Taught by experience congestion przedwczorajszego invented on the go 6 in the morning and drive through Vienna before the morning peak, the more, that we needed to get to the other side and cross the Danube. The plan we went with a small 5 minute and we were slipping behind the gate camp. Carefully defeated another street and a little misdirection my navigator has been on the beat, horror when I saw, that is chasing us for cleaner sidewalks.
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Auto Viennese

Morning, As usual I, went into battle Vienna. Already at the bus stop and we heard our countrymen admire KRAS. Then I changed to a subway and after 11 przestankach we were in the center of. Equipped with a free map of the trail campsite set ourselves sights to see. Of course we paid also attention to those moving.
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History once again repeated itself – morning sun shone beautiful. At breakfast, I felt at home only instead of two sępiących dogs were ducks, never regretted the rolls.
Nourished left, in front of us was a difficult day and 331 km.

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Complain Erfurt

Morning packaging and in the way. At night, as the anger did not rain but I was happy with the fixed wall. The 12 at night tended to fall on the idea of ​​how we can unite bed in a small room, and the complex operation we slept like angels.

After 260 miles were on site. Lake presented a less spectacular than the Garda but it was beautifully. After the mandatory procedures for camping, organize our grip went elegant pedestrian and bicycle trail to the city. The tumor behavior – hit on a public holiday and the city was like a ghost. We could not eat because the restaurants were closed, work only cafes. In the end we managed to find an open kebab with reliable Turks.
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