Marcosy DWA

Work on Marcos started, tires ordered and the house appeared again…

Hotels for next year's voyages ordered and it looks very promising: my favorite car museums in Brussels, Z the Stuttgart Porsche Mercedesem, Eisenach for IFA, BMW i Wartburgiem, oh will happen, and it is only dojazdówki the great automotive events.

Winter in Miami Beach

Winter in Florida is also not kind to Miniaków…
Artists treated cars like the creative material, that all ideas belong to the successful…

Mini in the vision of Damien Hirst'a covered characteristic of his work is dull colored dots. For IMMach seen much more fanciful ideas for Mini and its adornment.
Our GT also received winter kubraczek, see whether the check spring.


Once again I had the opportunity to visit Autoworld – car museum in Brussels, where temporary exhibitions are organized, hence there will always be something new and interesting to see. This time, the theme of which was the home production of Minerva.

It is true that I am not a fan of cars from the beginning of the last century but watched with interest the extremely rare automobile.

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