New year! January

Snow attacked the city - is tragically, drifts far outweigh the roof of our little ones. Mieliśmy niebieskim bardzo nieprzyjemną przygodę. Near the house very seriously buried – This basically zawiśliśmy engine in the snow, koła w powietrzu i ani rusz. Property owner has helped us, która właśnie odśnieżała chodnik. Szuflą wybieraliśmy śnieg z pod auta ale nie można było ruszyć bo samochód bardzo się ślizgał. Blocked the entire street, but still no one helped us with other cars. I guess after half an hour we managed to go - I am behind the wheel, Maciek and grandmother pushed. Ofiarą padł znaczek z maski, which fortunately only be peeled off. Wait until spring to glue.


Maciek wybił mi beżowe pasy – jeżeli mają jeździć psy to lepiej czarne albo inne ciemne, otherwise quickly get dirty. I have an idea of ​​the green – but it will be hard to find such.

The winter period is not conducive to miniakom and social activities. No one may be persuaded to meet, nothing happens – marazm. We still sail them small and winter is not terrible.

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We have arranged a session - the roof of Renoma, before Christmas. Wheels will be winter, but it is difficult.

The session came to nothing because I began to winter! We have to call and make an appointment in January - February.


There was a winter attack, there is no snow but the temperature dropped below zero - change the tires on zimowki. Maciek diagnosed Loose wheel - I hope it's not preconceived placenta. We bought Radio, and filter candles. On Sunday, crafted in the garage, extrapolate board, nakleimy belts and can be regarded as the first stage completed.
Have planned for January reached an agreement upon receipt replacement headliner - I am determined, replacement is necessary, old is dirty and unsightly car definitely kidnapped. The plans have yet to exchange beige belt, fuel ingots "cap" and will be ideal!


Jeździmy po mieście, testujemy. Jest problem z wjazdem do garażu – auto zahacza tłumikiem – trzeba będzie przerobić wjazd. Przy zimnym silniku muszę dość mocno gazować, strzela w tłumik i gaśnie. Jak się rozgrzeje pracuje bezproblemowo. Jestem zadowolona. Jeszcze trochę pracy i będzie ok.