White light

In the green “próbnie” mount new censor. How to verify that they appear in blue. We przetarty route because in Wrocku “professionals” ostatnio montowali je właśnie w klasyku 🙂
With time, a little fragile but I hope, that before the September eskapadami manage to mount them. Maciek mentioned in your light bulbs and even shine strong white light for me is a tragedy on the night you can see a very weak way.
With the new censor not to najczarniejsza noc będzie nam straszna!


The visit was brief – 40 minutes. Opowiadałam the miniakach, our travels…

Touched me most part of maintenance and parts. They asked whether the BMW car servicing!


We now have a period of calm – tours will begin again in September. I decided to put on record the fact, that a year has passed and “Green is with us. Jak na razie nas nie zawiódł i zawsze dojeżdżał do planowanego miejsca i wracał do domu 🙂

The news that on Saturday we host TVN – oh will happen!

The visit to the Panhard

Today we visited the Panhard ČT24. Car is very original and unique. Unfortunately, this copy is glorious years behind and need a lot of work, so it looks like to be.

Mj zachwyt wzbudziła plate pięknymi Zegar, driving legitimate rozmiarwi incredible light “the wysięgniku” pozostałość po rajdzie Monte Carlo i pierwszym miejscu 😉
and of course the fact that, that looking at the car from the side przdi back are the same…

It turns out, that Poland's motorcade drove four panharów…