Winter time start

Inevitably, it is time for change of wheels for winter – get my original “sunshine” and Maciek white nib.
And here comes the problem – because the wheels are too narrow in relation to the wheel arches. Auto looks ridiculous, and admittedly it's not a beauty contest in November but decided to go to the green Karpacz.

W długi listopadowy weekend oba samochody przejdą też drobne 😉 naprawy:
– will be exchanged in a green teardrop with the distances;
– in a blue seal and fixing the upper trolley.

A and is preparing something for breakthrough cancer in January and February but I will show you tomorrow and talk about what's going on as I 100 % a!

License to…

Today, like the anger was terribly cold and no sun. Wymarzliśmy terribly but it was worth. We met backstage show

“License to education”
Serial comically-drama, Poland 2010
Direction: James Miszczak
Contractors: Jolanda Fraszyńska, Dariusz Wiktorowicz, Cezary Kosinski, Joanna decorated with feathers and other

Our amberek plays the role please have a look 26 Episode II Series.
Nothing more I can not write, In any event, I would not want to be an actress.
Greetings to the team departure

Amber's TV career

Luckily, we went home – However, not satisfied. Holidays went well and we are sorry to leave. At the end of wczasowania Maciek zakolegował our chef and ran a long debate on the mini- – during frying omelettes, salmon skewers…
It turned out, that we will again in many a family album because the car was photographed from all sides.

On the way back I got a message, that it will again amberek “role” TV. Tomorrow I am going to the pictures – maybe I can do some pics – from the kitchen!

greetings from Wroclaw

and at the end of the car that crazy but I liked it “live” Unfortunately, this impression does not.

Autumn lazing

Mini, as usual, to generate interest and a lot of positive reaction. Lady from our favorite ice cream shop is delighted with him and every day with her on the car gawędzimy.

On the way to Pogorzelica had an unpleasant incident, when he brazenly forced the bus to enter traffic joining the. Outside, that I was on the main – Expressway is a way I had to pull back hard and let him go because I would be pushed to the forefront.

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Holidays miniaka

Since yesterday we are green on holiday at the seaside. Blue also has free – od nas 🙂
As befits the holiday weather is nice, water is wet and wonderful.
Tomorrow, the relationship of the way and sunbathing miniaka!