
My education rally goes according to plan. Regrets only, I can not attend the training every week ... But every weekend I'm on the track and ambition to impart. On Saturday, despite spending long hours in the cold as I was winged and very happy. Also made some remark - unfortunately I have to say, that women are afraid to ride, and rarely has pressed the gas pedal just like the guy. Injury, because the track conditions are at it, and could work out "difficult situations" and not a creep 30 – 40 km and the expected, that the car skids.
Increases are also take-offs and graphics in addition to NLC and missile Cup, a new initiative with a new cycle Rajdowalnia.pl professions “Japan vs. the World” - Is to be faster, more and harder: 2 route x 5 Laps. You can try the more, I managed to fight the extension 1 class to 1000 and may have a vague chance to get in the fight.
We decided also to go to the fourth Vysoké Mýto MINI Race Day - This is a test for me and got rid of bad habits and training yielded positive results.

to the right 4 bottom cut

Preparations for the rally season in full swing. After recent appearances on the track we came to the conclusion with Maciek, that Mr.. Bubble we have to change the steering wheel to a smaller. The search lasted a week and through the opinions and support "fellow racers," we were able to select the appropriate. After the test, "handheld", ie. I tried it and check how it is in their hands is just mount it on the fury. Earlier, the irreplaceable Adam S. nabe, and so we bought the most important elements of a sports car, we have completed. Macko, of course, go after the head of any improvements in mechanical and drudgery drive unit - but I'm against it, and stubbornly saying maniac, that the skills and capacities are not needed on the track. Therefore made some steps. First read on the internet almost everything they could about driving technique, and thanks to the gift of Sobiesław's book "Safe Speed", I have something to torture Maciek to my pillow :)
The theory is not all counts of the practice so I enrolled on a course to improve ride and thanks to a proposal may also be more professional and more bound up with this type of activity. My words, that the path is not for me to remain in force. I'm going to start only in 6 eliminations and that's it. Why not play with it next year - we'll see. I changed my approach a little bit due to the fact, that in principle, Mr.. Bubble is just a car on the track and I do not have to respect it and save as, how it would be in the case of use it every day. Scorpio is here its decisive contribution. Of course, indecision, and I hope other, it'll also let him go on the track. Class 5 It's proud!

Also saved on the IMM, and a picnic for me the two most important events in the mini maniac. Probably we will go to Switzerland Amberkiem.

Rally GOCC

The event, organized better than last year, I rode and I was super “all smiles”. I managed to evade several much better fur than miniaka. At the beginning of the track was icy and trial runs were somewhat conservative. Over time, the temperature is raised, and began to appear on the asphalt. First run started from point A in the company of the group poldona 3. In 2/3 Track it caught up and had to slow down and go for it – at the finish line it was decided to repeat my journey this time I made solo tour. After the first run was interrupted, we used the subaryny for rides with volunteer at breathtaking speed on the track and racing all-terrain vehicles under the Christmas Orchestra. Second run took place in the company of Peugeot 206, who scored the second sharp bend and then drift to the finish line was going have the same. After completion of the judge commended me – for the ride smooth and fast and correct time. Maciek was measuring the time and the judge read the 2:13 and something (improved by more than 6 seconds) 🙂

Now I'm waiting for March and make a list of what you need to prepare for take-off bubble!