Year of Monte

Yesterday I had no desire to go to the hospitality Point RIDE to Monte Carlo crews departing from Warsaw, but of duty prevailed and eighteenth zameldowaliśmy on-site. It turned out, przyszykowali that the organizers of our little ones a place in the paddock and we the frost lasts a civilian car came, damage. In comparison with last year on the crew waited in the office, just prior to their arrival we went outside. Tough only four the Fiat, Alpha and so I announced, I'm waiting for that first Porsche, when you see the cherry pig went to the house. A year has passed since our previous expectations for cars traveling in Monte, then we do not know anyone – this year, greeted everywhere with friends, we discussed the events, cars and trivialities. The year is so little but a lot can change. There are rumors, that next year will no longer take off from Warsaw… and since April in the Low Meadows hotel will be built. For murine years…

The last round

The season ended with a bang, This is probably the, that the last round was not until January 🙂 On the third run I rammed the photocell, broke the flag and stopped at a pile of tires GREAT. I thought, that even after the competition, Moreover, the organizers also. Within a radius of three meters were lying scattered parts of the apparatus. With the help of volunteers managed to find all the equipment and acted strangely. So many good, that rammed the mirror and not the transmitter. Nobody knows how I did it, I also do not – thrown me out of the kostkowego roundabout and there was no longer what to collect. Miniak also has a dented front hit with belt, bumper and drove in a halogen grill. The competition has further astute no surprises, I traveled a little more conservatively until the penultimate race regained verve.
Thank you for all your help and the organizers for their nerves 🙂

What's going on GOCC

Traditionally, I took part in the Low Łąki GOCC, the only departure from tradition was the three-year auto – this time, Mr. Bubbles. I would have expected the more intimate event, that Tom organized “competitive” orchestra in Oleśnica. On Tuesday, however, proved to be, that competition will not be in Oleśnica and all sorts of crowds subaryny and Eva began to write to the Low. In my class, was also a crowd as ever. To the weather not so good for us, It rained and was cold.
I was driving on summer tires and the car a little ślizgało, But I think, it was a good choice – Winter is too narrow and held by the slicks even worse not to be warmed by two wheels. After the first stint I was fourth, and so it remained until the end. I had a chance at third place but the second run I went on quite wyziębionym engine and the car is not gathered as it should. It is difficult, was probably not the case in the KJS. It seems to me, that many players have forgotten what is the purpose of, and that is really just about the greatest amounts accumulate for the orchestra and at the same FUN. Fell ideas do additional classes because some do not have a chance to cup, great hook before the start, etc.. All I understand, but one has to clearly say, that it's all fun for slightly older children 😉 and you have to enjoy the ride and not go crazy about the trophies for 30 zł.
