
Babel returned from “sanatorium”. The engine runs evenly, turnover not undulate, steering nicely reduced. There are negatives, but you can't see them visually, but you can feel them 😉 You need a good brawn to turn the wheels, Maciek found out about this yesterday in the garage to park your bubble, and I have to swish around the track! Therefore, in order to familiarize signed up for training on Easter Monday, then 14 April events. Is going to be a whole 19 May on the track – first event WLTA & WLR and from 13.30 Charity Rally “Help for Renata” the dynamometer.
Yesterday we tested Clubiego, Today I rode it around town. The driving experience is surprising. Very gentle gas and clutch, works like a steering wheel to assist city. As for me, far too lightly and it is no great.
Most problems make the brakes – moderators – the sacred words of Adam. How much is depnie wheels to lock and the car glides on rails how to gently press – does not inhibit. You have to get used to them and pump them to effectively inhibit. It's fun to drive 🙂

We lost the spring

Bubble was devoted for spring cleaning – pomajstrują him a little with the suspension, reduce wheel and exchange spring in the carburetor. Będzie śmigać jak nowy 🙂 Kolejne starty w zawodach w kwietniu (even at low Łąki!).
Clubiego baskets will be ordered next week along with the wicker suitcase, I hope, że wszystko będzie pasować choć babcia Wiesława okazała się panem Wiesławem 😉 Samochód trochę robi nam na złość – started with the clutch. After two days the fight could be established, that should be a strong spring and no screws in the cover. The biggest sensation of the brakes proved to be – note – WOODEN! Mieli trochę racji blacharze, pytając czy to auto z drewna 😉 Szukałam sprawdzonego warsztatu i dzwoniłam tylko do poleconych firm, Unfortunately, all najeżali to hear what kind of car, doing stupid comments and ultimately the job of detachable. Udało mi się umówić do warsztatu, who prepares the car for MCH, go to Clubim on Tuesday to survey and I hope, that will be adopted for the visit.


I went to class ODTJ Bubbles – the first time since the exchange of shock. It is tragically hard – I do not recognize the car, felt the least inequality are nothing Czomolungma. I can not imagine starting 31.03 in occupations! Wcześniej miniaka odstawiamy na regulację i drobny lifting zawiasu 😉 to dopiero będzie jazda! I am also the head replacement seats…

Treacherous walk clubiego