SME 2012 Hungary

We chose a route "free" for the city of Brno has not listened to navigate and nice policeman gave us a lollipop sign, to exit the parking lot. There were many more police officers and began to control, first blew - the first time in my life. The result were negative, but the emotional upset nerves, Then we learned, vignettes that we have no mandate and will.
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Pit stop Brno

Going totally lajtowo we got to our hotel Brno. On the way we stopped at a favorite Orlen before MIĘDZYLESIE, this time for a coffee and sausage, but something more refreshing, because the sun was mercilessly. Then downhill and sometimes under smoothly arrived at the pit stop. Bubble is brave, as usual, this is his fourth IMM (once had a holiday for him and Amber zasuwał). Traditionally, we went for a fried syr, kofolę i margotki 🙂 Pospacerowaliśmy po starówce a teraz w hotelu zbieramy siły na jutro
Mieliśmy dobrze zaopatrzony barek 🙂


Two days spent in the garage and there was a final decision – Balaton Bąblem, because the Club does not stop beeping. The route is determined, maps printed in the room is growing up with things to take. Launch on Wednesday quietly with accommodation in Brno.
On Saturday We attended a local meeting Mini and MINI. Nas było więcej 🙂 Wylądowaliśmy w knajpce z poprzedniego spotkaniaśrednia wychodzi nam raz do roku 😉 Było miło, despite a clear division of the old – new.