Lask column in the F-16 takes off

Morning found, that only we slept in Columnie, the rest accommodated in Column. I must admit, that the entire hotel staff was extremely courteous and very positively remember our stay there. We were even shown around the hotel by lady director, who showed us to a part of the art medical equipment. Using the wonderful weather and beautiful surroundings we went for a walk.
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Column Classics

We decided to try another approach and go Clubim fantastic team to rally Classic Cars Classifieds – Column Classics. We got up before 4 and yet dark night we went on the road. The soul of the ill-fated drove on the shoulder part of the road from the previous escapades to Hot Springs – this time the club did not świrował and allowed us to get to the place. Along the way, we had a short stop-over in tight circles – Maciek I forgot to do that after having lubricated suspension. The Warsaw 8 Sieradz turned on and it was our fault – there is a terrible way, ruts are like the Grand Canyon and the more we will not go that way.
In the first place we (so often happens as it is the farthest rally :)) and quietly to have registered and accommodated. We chose the hotel for an overnight stay Columna Medica – is a charming place, full grazing, opened only in April this year. In the parking lot began to do the crowds and happily greeted the familiar team.

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This time, not four wheels and two, ale dziś mogę bo to rocznicowy wpis 🙂
New horizons have discovered before us mods and their “Tail” Lambretty. Since that time I think about buying parks and… And how I think about something…
Dug up old photos of the IMM 2009 I remember England, I saw somewhere that these widgets.

I think IMM 2013 Italy is the perfect place to search for this one-eyed Lambretty.

Piekary Slaskie – they

After a bit of confusion with the watch, we drove for breakfast. No problem we got to the house, on the way there was no traffic jams and other unpleasant spowalniaczy. Auto spisywało great and despite the immense heat of the tip even once the temperature is not even came close to a dangerous level.
And so the fourth rally in Nowy Sacz is history. Many thanks to the organizers przesympatycznych, I hope to see you next year in Miasteczko Galician, next time next to the boiler and the beds will pack into the well with the square of Clubiego!