Season garage

It was strange to spend the weekend at home after months of travels zloty. We went – starting from May, seventeen rallies, except for racing competitions, as 6 months is not bad!
The house is by no means bored, off-season because the club moves from bubble serducha service will be welcome to leave, and GT. Therefore, a lot of work ahead of us, season under his belt as a time for a cure.

XV corner – Corners, power

At noon we had planned an early trip to the hydroelectric power plant Dlouhé Stráně. This is one of the world's largest pumped storage, is located in the Landscape Park Jeseníky.

Little time we dłużył, the weather was good and we could laze around soaking up the sun. Finally, we went to the meeting point in the center of the sport, where we could admire the Czechs in professional attire, on professional bikes, raging on the slopes. Our cruise bus arrived and we went to the power plant.

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