
Time to start the countdown. In fact, all the necessary things already gathered and the time for deeds. I feel almost like Victor Frankenstein, the only difference, that I'm not going to bring a monster to life 😉 but who knows? Building cars is a big challenge and by the end you can not be sure of the effect, moreover, the comparison will not be surprised insiders. Small swirl in the schedule caused the December Parda MINI, you're going to Clubim. We assumed, that it will be made as early as this period of hibernation and will not gave socially, However, we will not be able to choose the car, bubbles from the weekend because there will be no. I wonder organization and number of cars, because the 50 This birthday was very feebly.
Postcard from Legnica:

The motorist articles clubs!

Tomorrow on sale, Wielun session we had on the way home from the rally in Lask. Only there we managed to rip terms, Finally, to meet, and of course talk to auto show.
Cover and on the month! And that club was a celebrity.
Maciek has completed the after-season engine inspection and thanks to Adam and his crane, Clubi has his heart in place and is ready to welcome numerous fans 🙂
P.S. Again, I received two packages – that's a total of six. May conclude with 10 – MINIAK after such a small car!


Our collection of cardboard increased by another for the impossible became possible and Miniak fit in Scorpio.

– okay I admit, only a portion of… but significant.
The steering wheel also have, Now just everything, remove any of the cartons, fold and get on the road!

MINIAK in jail

Weekend reminded me of Christmas, not only because, it snowed but also because of the great box-like star gifts residual in the garage on Friday.

A mysterious box has been given in the UK and is almost miniakiem. I hope, that the other parts will reach us soon in the Netherlands in April will leave the garage Blue Denim.