
The most anticipated of the year, finally came!

You will be able to set up new wheels Clubiemu, serve him washing and second of May on the way to Rydzyny.
GT will start on the road faster because 27 April – for now we wonder where – There are two options to choose from: Wolsztyn or boat. Yet also look forward to the last parcel from England, who completed the work, and then on the first rally car this year will be fully ready.

In anticipation of the start of the season memories of travels auto glass behind the Mini Europe

Almost Season

Near the time of, when he finally moves zloty and miniaki season will go on tour. In fact, everything is already set, plan and calendar of the season 2013 filled. Nervously waiting to receive more just GT. The first ride was exciting and clearly feel the difference in the specificity of the car.
The May memories 2012. Rydzyna, This year also the start of gold.

Hot in February

I did not expect, that February will be as “hot” month. With snow drifts emerged Mini 1275 GT – street big test on Saturday. Then in March, while another portion of respiratory and intensive work over the center.

The work is based on a thorough reading of the literature

Prepared a special brochure with car specification, which is the culmination of research sites. Contrary to appearances,, although information about the mini is a lot of, dig up details about the “Clubmanie” GT is not easily.