Drive It Day endorse and is not

I support the Polish sentence automobile, so that they do not spend a lot of hours at the monument restoration and restaurants to keep it in the garage and only there to admire. Vintage cars should be shown, issued and used for the pleasure of the owners but also to please the eye of other people. On the other hand,, if you need to announce your special day, when the monuments are to go on the road and be "normally used"? And are you sure gesture on the part of owners of vintage cars will reach the other road users and will be well-received. Do they need special encouragement to drive such. to the supermarket and that there is appropriate for sites? I'm not sure. I think, that a better place for exhibitions, rallies and races (If you prefer less static behold the beauty of automobiles). Gold is so organized, that there is always time for the presentation of the car, where you can admire them for free, czasem nawet wsiąść i podotykać 😉 a okazji w sezonie do udziału w takim wydarzeniu ogrom. You can without much difficulty to choose the date and the place closest to the residence and go there with your sight, only need to break the barrier of fear of strangers - if anyone does not know, and then enjoyed meeting, cars and impressions – this should encourage Drive It Day. Let's leave the house to meet others and let's enjoy the car and not just us show the world, we got him!

O Sole Mini

Returned. Proved to be the word senior Bolo – Mini always comes home. How was? Poorly, maybe the weather and perhaps uncertainty about the car made, that Italy did not like me. IMM is best reflected image:

We already have laid plans of England 2014 and it looks like, it will be our last IMM. In 2015 Lithuania and hold it there miniakiem'm not going to push. CLUB got terribly but bravely survived to the end of the leaky windows, odparzonym paint, lack and excess oil, damaged and flooded sensor indicator. More on the long and murderous route will not go. And we're getting older and vagabond life begins to weary us. We'll see how it all goes…
Classic Cars – report

We're going home or cleaner Bucket List

Of course at night which? Rain and storm, I should have to get used to it, but this time could forgive. So I wanted to collapse the tent dry and nothing in this. Taught by experience congestion przedwczorajszego invented on the go 6 in the morning and drive through Vienna before the morning peak, the more, that we needed to get to the other side and cross the Danube. The plan we went with a small 5 minute and we were slipping behind the gate camp. Carefully defeated another street and a little misdirection my navigator has been on the beat, horror when I saw, that is chasing us for cleaner sidewalks.
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Auto Viennese

Morning, As usual I, went into battle Vienna. Already at the bus stop and we heard our countrymen admire KRAS. Then I changed to a subway and after 11 przestankach we were in the center of. Equipped with a free map of the trail campsite set ourselves sights to see. Of course we paid also attention to those moving.
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