Samui Festival Marathon&Trail 2019

Photo. Samui Festival Marathon&Trail 2019

I wondered and I must admit, I'm not able to describe the race, emotions, experience and fatigue that accompany us. I do not want to do it – Samui Trail 35k is our adventure, I will try to recount only the technical side of the jungle przełaju.
We ran to the hell and heaven finiszowaliśmy, it was not all data…
Fot.Samui Festival Marathon&Trail 2019

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pink walnięci – The Color Run Hero Tour!

I was thinking about competing in this race but in Italy and exactly in Turin. Color dizziness and museum Fiat or could be nicer? The plans were only plans to continue indefinitely.

In the meantime, the course came to Polish. With interest I checked and I broke the conditions for price. to 5 km, even the most colorful, Package price was astronomical and counting for two people (because a couple commits) it flew through the galaxy!

I saw, I decided, I forgot.
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Norwegian salmon that is run in Tromsø

Norway eco-friendly country, where around every corner lurks a parked Tesla and storefronts okraszają stuffed polar bears and reindeer!
Photo. Zoltan All

The only constant, you can count on in every corner of the world is nature. Always amazing and incredible. In Tromsø was magically, sternly and majestically. I felt like a researcher who come to polar station and not a participant of the marathon. The organizers provided a number of additional attractions, which were the strongest side of the Midnight Sun Marathon (MSM).

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