
For all the doubters and explain color booking, that the change of color “blue” remained only in the realm of hypothetical considerations.
Kolor zielony flip flop będzie miał nasz trzeci Miniak Marcos 🙂
“Blue” remains atlantic blue, popracujemy only the whiter white roof. I could not change the original color – both I'm very attached.

Test the route

Yesterday was Chieftain “przewietrzony” route. Slightly more than 200 miles one way.

He wrote a great. We showed what some of what it means “Green power”.
I was at the gas station you're requesting from the knowledge of the car. Enthusiastic staff carefully watched car, then said: that such miracles had not yet seen!
We decided, that “green” we will go to the rally to Poronin. It seems, that we will be very few, Miniakami arriving on wheels. The rest are unwilling or are too easily. And so with us is gold Miniaków – or a gun carriage or auto replacement!

MOSS-Europe – Part came

Yesterday arrived awaited parts miniaka (wheel, chrome finish, quickshift) and some chemistry to the carburetor and the filter.

At the assembly will have to wait for the thaw, because some snow still behind us in the garden …


She returned the case of white inserts clock. A few months ago with a company Maciek mailował, which took us to do them. After exchanging a few e-mails and setting a model – silence. They do not want to earn it is not. Maciek last he found on the Internet an English company, which specializes in such dorabianiu widgets. We have chosen the right model and dopracowaliśmy details. Approved the project and finalized the contract. Parcel has been sent 11 February airmail contracts have not got. I hope, that has not perished at the post office and finally reaches the addressee.