3 x say goodbye

This morning it was raining heavily. At breakfast we learned, that the Greeks depart, in the parking lot, that the Hungarians and Slovenians also. Farewell to long-lasting, We chose a Belgrade bus tur. We started with Balazs I also went to the center. We drove into the underground parking and there fury of the Greeks! On ceasing proved, że też jadą na tour 😉 Razem więc czekaliśmy grubo ponad rozkład. After unsuccessful attempts to contact the operator gave the win. We went to the center of the cafe and they. Disputes have already passed a piece when I saw “our” Riding a bus przestanek. We let the Maciek crying over the way the Greeks, bus that goes. After a marathon collective, we managed to reach the stop before the bus and headed towards our desired trip. It was a bit cold and wet but interestingly.

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Balkan Minijada

After a night of integration and learning two languages:
Hungarian – Ege Szeg Dree
Greek – Jamas
morning we all got up tap for breakfast, I thought judging by the hotel, it will be ok but unfortunately – was worse than in Budapest. Like last year at the Awali, może tutaj tak mają 😉
After breakfast was the collective pucowanie cars and go to the center.

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25.06.2010 Belgrade

Badziewnym Breakfast in the hotel was a nice surprise: bufet smaczny i był nawet wybór 🙂 Posileni ruszyliśmy w trasę. It was only 400…

We rode very well. Splitting the route with accommodation in Budapest was an instant hit. We were a little on the border of the Union przystopowani. A queue was longer than last year.

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We left the 7. Packing this time we did not work out – at the height of Kobierzyce remembered for the flag poles (However, there was no sense in not returning) a balm in the Czech Republic and came to the hotel in Budapest, Maciek did not take that jumper. Outcome 3:0. In the Czech Republic does not obey the GPS and we lost over an hour of first going for milk barely 20km / h, the serpentine and then through the swinging movement on the road.

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Operation S…

Car Wash, nawoskowane, rims scoured, oponki przyciemnione 😉 Jednym słowem GOTOWE do drogi.
Today, the fast-listed “mustache” from the grill for the purchase of the IMM lay sweetly in the box waiting for better times. Mack chased and exchanged. Still waiting for some parts assembly, may live to see, end of the year.
Auto must look in the end Special Guest

broj slovenacke ekipe popeo se na 19 auta
broj zagrebacke ekipe lagano se penje na 6 level i darjan
Broja grcke team to be 14 posada a dve su bez auta,dolaze medjutim via Berlin
broj makedonske ekipe je na 10 auta
broj bugarskih ekipa je 3 auta
broj madjarskih ekipa je na 4 auta wings 16 ucesnika
Broja Polish team but it jedan our verification specijal gesture Mr. ICEMAC
naravno tu nam je i Specijalni gost iz Mini Magazina koji bi trebao da sleti u austriju za manje od 48 hours,naravno njegovo auto je u sloveniji i imacemo priliku da vidimu punokrvnog engleza sa levom stranom volana

Page Mini Club Serbia

Tomorrow morning we go, postaram się na bieżąco relacjonować wyjazd bo przecież internet jest wszędzie 🙂

Today we still have a busy evening, Amber leave it – I worry a little bit but only. I hope, że w programie obejdą się z nim delikatnie a tapicer nie będzie kolejnym “specialist”… Mamy też nagranie do reportażu do gazety
For all that remotely controls the action “toya” – I was still very tired. I have too little time (the end of July all busy weekend trips) to go on quietly and watch the car.