thirty of control

I do not run “trzydziestek”, the more competition at such a distance, so I never planned to participate in the thirties Control this year, but we need kilometers, So we are signed. An additional incentive is no entry fee.

Our participation was under the weather question. African heat did not correspond, so we decided, that if it gets too hot it's not taking off. Same course of training treat and if something is wrong with our organisms that descend from the route.
This time the weather was on our side, the sun hidden behind the clouds, route mostly shaded and the temperature only 25 the 9 morning. Wystartowaliśmy.

We decided on the occasion “looser start” test equipment and test runs as the wineskins. Additional 1,5 kg did not cause us any problems, vest adheres well and does not interfere in the running. Very convenient is the use of water when it is wanted and not when it is on the route!

Photo. Joanna Nalewalska

Trasa 5 loop track speed “between the bridges” It was extremely monotonous, and after the first lap I had enough. The second circle annoyed me terribly, mail route is not the end and that's just 12 km. All the time I was wondering how I could run 42 km Orlen so “spaceship” time, here 18 I was all quite km. I had 24km on the odometer and some have already ended…
Photo. Joanna Nalewalska

The last loop and somehow reached the finish line, beyond which heard, że jestem 3 woman, and I have to go to the decoration. I did not believe, I gave barely starting number, I grabbed a cup of water and already had to scramble on the podium, red and out of breath.
Unexpectedly, I got a night package with the most desirable running jersey 😉
Photo. Joanna Nalewalska

In conclusion: running a well-organized, there is nothing to find fault. Zero entry fee and receive timing, at the start / finish line (ie every lap – 6km) Buffet with water, I izotonikie, sugar cubes and water from sponges. Everything went very smoothly and I would recommend if someone wants to check up on the unusual distance.

30K 02:43:14 (3 OPEN)