Garmin Ultra Race,,en,Ultras are not,,pl,course was,,pl,the standard,,pl,mountain Half Marathon,,pl,which had,,pl,yet so bad I was running and not,,pl,Fir,,pl,at,,pl,Radkow,,pl,this walk,,pl,We had not run this year,,pl,the next day he is waiting for the mountain,,pl,ultramarathon,,da,at 24km Radków,,pl,Tomasz Hoâ£Od,,en,Polska Press,,en,Run XXVII Solidarity,,pl,These were some of the first competition which ran two years ago,,pl,a year ago at this time we ran a marathon in Bordeaux,,pl,this year not skipped,,pl,Solidarity,,pl

Ultrasami nie jesteśmy – bieg był “standardowym” półmaratonem górskim, czyli miał 24 km. In conclusion: tak źle jeszcze mi się nie biegało a “Jedlina” przy “Radkowie” to spacerek.

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Tests Solomon the second edition,,pl,th Bud,,en,The battle of Budapest or Budapest Airport's runway 13R-31L,,pl,Expectations were high and I was afraid,,pl,they can overwhelm us,,pl,keep his third title of the world's fastest airport,,pl,Run an industry / company is always associated with high stress,,pl,the pressures and expectations,,pl,I traveled to Budapest with a specific task,,pl,win for the third time,,pl,team,,pl,and women in the fight for third place,,pl,which last year I lost about,,pl,Logistics did not facilitate the task,,pl,We were in Budapest for,,pl,after eating a sausage on the way Orlen,,pl,that we did not wait for a marathon running only on,,pl,Breakfast miszczów,,pl,The terminal,,pl

Zgodnie z powiedzeniem “chłop żywemu nie przepuści” my nie przepuścimy okazji do testowania sprzętu biegowego. Tym razem znów była okazja wspólnie z Natalią Tomasiak – Górski Styl testować sprzęt Salomona oraz zegarki Suunto.

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