Visit to the cacique

Went quite upset to see our new addition. Nightmare. I wanted to cry, total ruin, lots and dirt. Both regretted, with decided on this purchase. Even so beautifully it does not look like we remembered. It is difficult to become a ...

SME – seventh day

Not spałam branch dobrze od wyjazdu, delicious. Ahead of us the last stage. Driving slowly beginning to bore us. We had moments of terror began when a fairly strong smell burning rubber. We stood on the emergency lane and made a vision miniaka. After szczęście nic not stwierdziliśmy. We drove some more time awake and a little nervous but everything was in order. Unfortunately the highway was opened to Zgorzelec, we had to go through Boleslawiec. Of course, traffic jams, stoppers. While passing the flour evaporated two boys there and shoot us foty. On the way passed us returning from the rally miniaki. We arrived home around 19, unfortunately we did not wait for dinner. Maciek pizza saved the situation. Thus ended the IMM 2009. Next year, Germany - close, we go back to Dresden and Prague. 2011 Switzerland - already planning a larger tour of Geneva, Milan ... 2012 reported willingness to Hungary - Lake Balaton - we'll see ...
MOTOCAINA “Target – England”

SME – the sixth day

Trip - hangs in the air rain. Zwinęliśmy quickly and gave scratcher. We waved goodbye to the rest of our, which also consisted slowly, Of course then the charges, that is not goodbye - standard. Summary IMM - I'm very happy, the weather was good - all the time we had the heat and sun, Miniak did a wonderful job, amazing turnout. Thomas met with the team of Slovenia and located the car from Zagreb. Spirit did not smell too big masówka. The whole trip to plus -przeżycia unforgettable.

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