What's going on GOCC

Traditionally, I took part in the Low Łąki GOCC, the only departure from tradition was the three-year auto – this time, Mr. Bubbles. I would have expected the more intimate event, that Tom organized “competitive” orchestra in Oleśnica. On Tuesday, however, proved to be, that competition will not be in Oleśnica and all sorts of crowds subaryny and Eva began to write to the Low. In my class, was also a crowd as ever. To the weather not so good for us, It rained and was cold.
I was driving on summer tires and the car a little ślizgało, But I think, it was a good choice – Winter is too narrow and held by the slicks even worse not to be warmed by two wheels. After the first stint I was fourth, and so it remained until the end. I had a chance at third place but the second run I went on quite wyziębionym engine and the car is not gathered as it should. It is difficult, was probably not the case in the KJS. It seems to me, that many players have forgotten what is the purpose of, and that is really just about the greatest amounts accumulate for the orchestra and at the same FUN. Fell ideas do additional classes because some do not have a chance to cup, great hook before the start, etc.. All I understand, but one has to clearly say, that it's all fun for slightly older children 😉 and you have to enjoy the ride and not go crazy about the trophies for 30 zł.


London 2012

Finally, begin to reach out to us ordered a package. The first, though the least important of the five expected, was of limited edition mini model produced on the occasion of the Olympic Games in London.

This is the third in this year's mini that I got and passed just 5 days after New Year's Eve! Thank you Dorota and Nicholas.
P.S. On Sunday we go to GOCC.


End of year marks my “Shooter finger on the map”, calculating the route and campsites. It has become, we decided, that we are going to MINI United, regardless of whether there will take care of accommodation and parking. Kolaboruje już w tej sprawie z organizatorami 🙂 Jak się nie uda to zatrzymamy się na kempingu w Le Castellet. The road is so exciting, that in principle there was no problem with the choice of the IMM or MINI? As this was not enough to tempt me a little longer trip through the Camargue (to see the white horses of the reserve, I dream of a child) do Millau, for what could be finer than the journey miniakiem in the clouds. Besides, additional 350 km in the face of the driven 1700 no longer have any significant value. And this way it became more than 2000 miles one way, and to bite two weeks and preferably more… Five months to go, which we will pass under the sign of lazurowo – lavender sky. And what more can you wish for 2012 years?!

IMM or not IMM

I am angry at the Hungarians as a method of registering on the IMM. Not only, that each person must register separately – not as a crew / vehicle is still having to pay extra for every transfer and for all tours / activities in advance. I took it as an exaggeration and thoughtlessness of the organizers. According to Mack found, that wait for further developments, perhaps we register for a mini-club. Meanwhile, there is a notice of the organization in 2012 years MINI United at Le Castellet in France. The location is extremely attractive – for the Côte d'Azur on the way Monaco, Antibes, Sanremo, Cannes, Saint-Tropez, in a word, my dream the Sun Highway. In this way,, if we decided to go to the MINI, faster than I thought this part of Europe zwiedzilibyśmy. For this again we visit Chur and above all my beloved Lindau on Lake Constance. The truth is, that as soon as we left there waiting for an opportunity to be able to go there again.
Why not?


Yesterday we participated in the action for kids. Cars were given numbers, losowały children who then woziliśmy them to successive points – surprises. And so we visited the ATM, Stadium, immortal parking near the Millennium, and finally, WSB, where the action is completed.

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