Clubman estate

III trial and the road!
The turbulence registration and waiting for the yellow metal have caused, że czas na dotarcie skurczył się prawie do zera 🙂 Mam nadzieję, that wyrobimy to Rydzyny, But a trip to Millau has become unrealistic. Under so we decided to take part in the IMM 2012. And so the five-year tradition had been done and the registration formalities dopełniliśmy – Balatonfüred arrive!

“New Project”

Star Wodzislaw

The fact still selling Amberka to me has not arrived, I live blissfully in the knowledge, that still stands in the garage. I have a feeling, that both of us comfortably go, that nothing has happened and does not "move touchy subject". Verification of reality can be painful. I like Scarlett O’ Hara – pomyślę o tym jutro 😉 Teraz uwagę zaprząta nam launch clubiego and registration formalities. I'm glad, that we managed to pick the copy in such original condition. Miniaki uniquely suited to any alterations and "new projects". I have this choked and riding Immy probably already seen all the possible modifications, improvements and udziwnienia. I wanted to like it miniaka factory produced - and I.