
Decided instead of competing in WLTA & WLR going training. Mniejsza konkurencja 😉 spokojniejsza atmosfera i można popracować nad techniką.
Training took place in the extreme conditions in the car was like a sauna but I rode well, and even toured the Neon. Miniak was also too fast for a photographer and has not been immortalized!
Seats have passed and now everything is in place. Going to be a fierce battle on Sunday and I hope, that may sustain racing adrenaline and fight for the box!

Luxury Sedan

Maciek yesterday mounted the seats, and we have no place miniaka limousine. Cobras in the car looks fantastic and the first fitting showed, that the seats are very comfortable.

We have to check them on the track, I fear some of their “lying” profilu za to mam dużo miejsca na nogi 🙂 i boską regulację odległości foteli.

We have sent a request for parts to Clubiego and we will eagerly wait for the package – we both have a great desire for the next rally of vintage cars and the Estate on the route!

Hotel Royal, Confectionery, non-alcoholic

Weather served up to us in the morning downpour, Then the rain but the clouds looked scared or Sun. Once registered we lived lazily go to dinner and sweets to the nearby town. The greatest sensation was induced by the arrival of Finnish rally Moke'az – prize for the furthest a guaranteed way, Of course, like most came from IMMA but it is an impressive overall distance.

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