Hong Kong Marathon packet collection

Photo. Organizer

Packet collection and a running village were organized “at the finish” w Victoria Park. In keeping with the times, you had to download a special app and reserve the day and time of receiving the packages.

We had a rebasing planned for that day – i.e. change of hotel and on the way at 15 We have scheduled the collection of packages. We came too early, the gates were closed.

We decided to sit on a bench, bask in the sun and watch the activities of the organizers. 15 minutes before the gates opened, it turned out, that there was a long queue and we missed this moment. We stubbornly went to the end, all right 200 m, the queue was growing at an alarming rate. Suddenly everything started moving and we got to the town very quickly.

Traditionally, there were the fewest people participating in the marathon. We received the package quickly, rich in washing liquid, detergent, numerous patches, tapes, żele, a candy bar and a nice T-shirt. Injury, that there was no bag, only a plastic bag for the deposit, It would be a nice souvenir.

We wandered around the town, there were a lot of attractions, but the queues grew quickly and we skipped most of them. In general, the expo did not impress with its scale.

Everyone was very nice and involved. I think what strikes me most about Hong Kong is the extraordinary courtesy at every step.

Provided with traditional Hong Kong milk tea (we became her big fans) we went to the hotel. The city was already getting ready to celebrate the new year – dragon.

The marathon promised to be very interesting.