Garden of Life SunRun 5K

As part of the realization of the American dream, we decided to take advantage of the opportunities for additional runs or challenges offered by the organizers during marathons. After all, when there is too much water, you have to use it, and you know, American – there are medals… BIG

In West Palm Beach we had the opportunity to take part in the SunRun 5K. Start o 7:30. Traditionally, we got up much too early and it was difficult to get there 2,5 km to the cross-country town was also not a problem. The weather is worse, because it rained on the way and it was cold for Florida 17 degrees C.

Despite this, we implemented the plan established in Poland and experimentally decided to run in both races in sleeveless T-shirts. There we waited for the sunrise, the crowd of runners was getting thicker and the organizers were bustling around.

The start caused some consternation, not much was known, where to stand and which direction we run. We stood at the front and finally took off, I think 3-4 lines. I had no plans, I wanted to run at ease and enjoy the start, watch the route.

The weather cleared up, it became warm and quite windy in the exposed area. We started in a large crowd. I was happy, it was only 5 km. Trasa 2,5 km along the lagoon, turn around and reach the finish line.

I wasn't doing very well, I felt hot, The wind was bothering me and I didn't push the pace, but at the turnaround I knew, that I am at the forefront.

Byłam 6 woman at the finish line and first in the masters category. I was very happy, the more, that I didn't expect it at all.
We got breakfast at the finish line – bajla, cheese and grapes, a very good meal.

After a moment of breathing and stargazing, we went to the hotel.

A very successful running start. After today, I knew, that the marathon will not be easy, the more, that even stronger wind gusts were forecast. At least I knew the last kilometers of the route.