8. RST Półmaraton Świdnicki

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Photo. Datasport

The weather was exceptionally good and despite the first impression of cold, it was pleasant during the run, sunny and not even that windy.
This year, the collection of packages was separated from the start/finish line – A bit of unnecessary confusion. The start and finish are again at the stadium (I would like to return to the start of the market), however, the route surprised me – it was changed and I had the impression that there were more uphill sections. However, the views were fantastic, like in a mountain run!
Photo. Datasport

Traditionally, there were crowds of runners and friends in Świdnica. Most people take the start very seriously, records and fight for PB, even the announcer annoyed me by commenting on the fact that I had belts and their inconsistency with the requirements for placing the PZLA starting number.
Photo. Datasport

I ran well, without pushing the pace, I didn't even have any problems with my breathing or diaphragm. I was surprised by the very irregular arrangement of water points. Too rare at first, then before the finish line too often. As usual, there are cheering points in Świdnica – It's nice to involve the local community.
Photo. Datasport

Finishes well at the stadium, at the finish line you could choose from different fruits (there were even quinces), woda, isotonic drink and a thermal blanket and a warm meal.
Świdnica maintains the level of good organization and an interesting half marathon, We will be happy to see what it will be like in the coming years.
21K: 01:46:04 (K40 9) in 1:48:27