Wizz Air Skopje Marathon 2023

This year only the half marathon.
Photo. Organizer

The decision was spontaneous, we liked the medal and t-shirt of this year's edition, and that we had good memories of the organization and the race 2022 we didn't think about it for a long time.

We visited Skopje for the third time, but the second time this year. I still like the atmosphere of this city, even though I swear, that this is the last time, we are happy to come back.
“Our” the hotel was no longer available, we decided on the original one, that we saw across the street. Additionally, we decided to deliver the packages directly to the hotel! A very convenient option.

This year, the organizers organized an expo and the night before the race there was a pasta party and a party. Much more runners signed up for the race, including those from abroad.
Photo. Organizer

Trasa, start i meta – like last year, no surprises. And that's exactly what the rather boring route with long straights did, that I absolutely didn't want to run a marathon again – two wheels.
Photo. Organizer

We started on time at 8 godzinie, traditionally it was hot. I tried to use every water point (were what 2,5 km). Bananas were handed out along the route and I grabbed some delicious oranges handed out by a fan.
Photo. Organizer

I ran without any assumptions or expectations, enjoying the route.
Photo. Organizer

There was ice water waiting at the finish line, alcohol free beer, sour lemons, banany, croissants and bars.

It was good to visit Skopje again – the capital of strange monuments and run among the cheering and cheering crowds of Macedonians.

21K: 01:46:31 (3 w K45) in 01:51:27