Ostrava City Marathon

Tempted by the 100th anniversary, we decided to run the marathon in Ostrava. We were counting on a unique setting and surprises.

The first one appeared just before the race, where the organizers announced, that they are returning to the traditional route – 4 pin “in the park”, because the city did not consent to it 21 km loop running through the city's attractions. It is difficult, it had to be accepted.

The road from Wrocław to Ostrava is quite comfortable and we were there at the scheduled time. On the way to pick up the packages, we saw part of the route and it worried us a bit. We had a run ahead of us ,sidewalks, bicycle paths and gravel paths in the park… The competition office was not marked and a lot of people were looking for a package collection point – starting number, cans of non-alcoholic beer and, of course, safety pins. The T-shirt cost extra.

The running town even looked like it, but the rest was running “rural and municipal”, which are better organized here.
I'm a bit surprised that the organizers showed such nonchalance and a complete lack of imagination, as well as playing with the health of the runners and endangering them..
Just a few of the most important caveats:
1. Temperature. Knowing the forecast, the start time has not been postponed – and even for marathon runners it was delayed by 10 minutes! Trasa, yes, it was shaded at times (trees in the park and buildings in the center) but it was still very hot and stuffy. The rest of the route, especially along the embankments, it's a pan with the sun in your face. We started at 10:10, the temperature in the shade reached 29 – 30 degrees.
2. Water. Water points are planned every 5 km, I guess there were some additional ones – the first one just under 1,9 km but there was no water on it. Generally on the first lap due to “accumulation” There was no water among the competitors at all points. During the first two sessions, I only got an isotonic drink, for which I had to wait until they poured it anyway – but I doused myself with it anyway (shirt), to cool down a little. At the next points I managed to get water, but I also had to wait for the volunteers to pour it into cups. It's hardly surprising, that volunteers couldn't keep up – in such heat everyone wants a lot of water to drink and pour themselves on… Injury, that there were no bottles. Drinks were only available in plastic cups. Additionally, two small tables are definitely not enough.
3. Buffet. I noticed only two buffet points on the route. I saw grapes, watermelon and chocolate, already in a liquid state – I didn't use it, I had my gels and dextro. But at the finish line I was in shock, because volunteers regularly spread Nutella on slices of bread (sic!) and there were puffs, peanuts in large bowls, bananas cut into slices and watermelon pulp instead of pieces… We went to the store to buy something more specific to eat.
4. Trasa. There's nothing left here, loop 10 km – like my training run outside the house – park, shaft, a bit of street. There was even security, sometimes the police let the car go right in front of the competitors, apparently the elite also lost their way. Parts too narrow.
Photo. Organizer

I am very disappointed and we do not plan to run in the Czech Republic anymore. Even the results don't match, not to mention the length of the route. Generally, We've been thinking about it from the beginning 2 pegs and after exchanging comments about 17 km, we decided to just run 21 km. It wasn't worth straining your body and risking your health. The more, that we will not run out of running in the near future and we are planning two more marathons by the end of the year.
21K: 01:46:28 in 1:52:17