80. Tour of Poland Etap 4

W tym roku, maybe for an anniversary 80 Tour de Pologne race, part of the route 4 stage was set by Sobótka.

Bartosz Huzarski deserves a great deal of credit for this, the more, with the riders “especially” they rode a part of the route Via DolnyŚląsk rudny Mnicha and the cycling alley of fame in Sobótka.

Strzelin – Opole – 198,6 km.

The cyclists will ride from Lower Silesian Strzelin first to the west, to Saturday, and then they will turn around and head for the Opole region, to the capital of this province. On the road this year 4. stage, the PZU Mountain Premium, category III, is planned. in Strzegomiany, and three LOTTO Flying Bonuses: Bonfire, Strzelin and Grodków.

We went on bikes and strategically positioned ourselves on the Sulistrowicka pass, so as to see the peloton twice.

It was a great place.

There were also masseurs with water bottles around us.

After cheering, we returned home very happy. Successful training.