We decided to start a second time, because this time the Organizer has set the route of the half marathon.

Traditionally, the honorary start took place at the Chopin Center in Szafarnia, but the logistics were even more complicated than last year.
Coaches in Toruń were waiting for the runners, which were going to the competition office in Brzozówka. Three tours to choose from – we went the earliest, so that after receiving the packets, take another bus to Szafarnia.
Already in Toruń we saw familiar faces.
In Szafarnia, after a warm welcome, we listened to a piano recital, then warm-up and start of honor.
Photo. Organizer

To the bus and we return to Brzozówka for the proper start. Everything well organized and on time. Nice pre-race adventure.
Another warm-up… she was also a group before the start
Photo. Organizer

And we took off, we ran a familiar route – The Polish Way of the Trail of Saint James (with minor modifications compared to last year). I already knew, that I can't count on streets and asphalt – we ran along the forest track, footpaths and bike path. Wszystko bardzo dobrze zabezpieczone przez Straż Pożarną i Policję. It was interesting, pogoda sprzyjała i mimo deszczu na starcie do Torunia dobiegliśmy w słońcu. Meta była przy Kościele pw. św. Jakuba w samym centrum miasta przy Rynku Nowomiejskim.
Photo. Organizer

I nie rozczarował mnie fakt, ze trasa była za krótka o 1,400m w stosunku do półmaratonu. Dostaliśmy medal, posiłek regeneracyjny i wodę. I'm glad, że wystartowaliśmy, ciekawe jaki dystans przygotują organizatorzy w przyszłym roku.
Photo. Organizer

Despite the great organization and a very interesting formula, we say goodbye and we are not going to Toruń again.
21K: 01:41:24 in 1:46:25