Vesuvius, Pompeii and Herculaneum

After visiting the city and the archaeological museum this year, we added more pieces to the puzzle: cause and effect – Vesuvius, Pompeii and Herculaneum.

We went from Naples to Ercolano by a category III train and then we had a bus arranged to take us to the cone of Vesuvius. It turned out, that there are a lot of Poles on the trip, including runners. Along the way, we exchanged experiences from the running world. Fellow volcanic misery mentioned visiting Sorento. And inadvertently, another idea to visit Naples was born, but not for the half-marathon, but for the scenic run in Sorrento and sail to Capri by the way.

After the trip we hit the station again and went to see Pompeii.

The city makes a great impression. Time has stopped and the opportunity to walk along the old streets, watching it all without any time interference, culture and progress captivated me.

Frescoes on the walls, mosaics…

It is impossible to convey this view, the enormity of the city already dug up from the ashes and the work that still needs to be undertaken.

We bought all the tickets in advance, over the Internet. There were a lot of people in Pompeii, but due to the vast area of ​​the archaeological park, no one bothered and explored at their own pace and in their own way.
The last planned point to visit was Herculaneum. Closer to Naples, also u “Stop” volcano but from a different side than Pompeii. The archaeological site is much smaller, but the villas are better preserved and the decorations more spectacular. It's a beautiful place, very depressing at the same time with a lot of skeletons lying in the catacombs. There was no rescue and shelter from the hot breath of the eruption.

We were, we saw, we are richer for more impressions and we highly recommend it.

We want to go back to Naples, magic works. We can't resist Diavolo and Principessa pizza, rumowej Baba, however, the third time we plan to taste the lemon basin of Sorrento.