Honolulu Marathon celebrates 50th anniversary

Liczyłam, that 50 the anniversary of the run commits to something, I counted it.

Hawaii Convention Center. Traditionally as “paradise runs” befitted the package consisted of a number and safety pins. 50- this anniversary was celebrated by giving us a sticker. Finisher's medal and t-shirt at the finish line. Wild crowds of Japanese bought specially prepared”Anniversary” t-shirts. I was disappointed with the expo, relatively few stalls – nothing interesting, photography exhibition. Not much climate.
The anniversary was celebrated by organizing a concert in the hotel centre.

Similar concerts were held on Waikiki Beach

No, I will not say, I was disappointed. I was hoping for a backpack or sack and a bigger celebrity. In fact, I should get used to it, fancy packages only in our country. We took advantage of the weather this time and acclimatized. The weather was lovely, constant temperature 26-29 degrees, or 80 – 85F. Clouds, frequent showers and, consequently, rainbows and, unfortunately, a strong wind of 30 m / s. It was going to be a good marathon fight.