7. RST Półmaraton Świdnicki

Photo. Dariusz Nowaczyński

The entire running race of Lower Silesia and half of Poland turned up in Świdnica, we were.

We ran the RST Świdnica Half Marathon three times (2, 3 in 4) and I must admit, that we remembered him fondly for his solid organization, interesting route and personal life, which have not been corrected all the time. This year, the race fitted the timing of our running adventures and we signed up without hesitation.
In Świdnica, the crowds thickened with every minute, came whole “running world”. The start has been moved to the treadmill and everything is now happening in one place: competition office, start i meta. Logistically, it may be more convenient, but my task was to start from the market more attractive. The rest of the route is the same with the uphill and the bed, with groups of fans cheering and strong competition.
The November summer eased a bit and it was cold at the start, the wind blew and it even rained briefly. During the run the sun came out and at times it was even too hot, the weather was good and you could enjoy the fall.
Photo. Łukasz Kaczmarek

I ran without expectations, as much as my legs carried me. I knew, that there will be a lot of competition and fast running. Udało mi się 21 run the fastest km in several years.
If next year 8. RST Świdnicki Half Marathon will fit into the schedule, I will be happy to run it again. Compliments to the organizers, because you can see, that they try very hard and care about the high level of organization and runners. I have no objections and I think, that the Świdnica Half Marathon is now the top running competition in Lower Silesia.
21K: 01:41:49 (11 K40) in 01:48:14