I don't like running marathons in Poland. The only one we have run so far – Warsaw was a rational choice, because he gave us qualifications. This time I was tempted by the very unusual form of CAMINO POLACO MARATHON and the fact, that it was organized for the first time. The route of the marathon led along the Polish Way of the Saint James Trail.
Photo. Organizer

The honorary start is planned in Szafarnia at the Chopin Center after a beautiful Chopin concert, the actual start was in Golub-Dobrzyń, and the finish line in the very center of Toruń at the New Town Square. The organizer provided transport from Toruń to Szafarnia and from Szafarnia to Golub Dobrzyń.

Everything worked out great. In the morning a crowd of runners waited in Toruń, the bus showed up on time and we went to the honorary start in Szafarnia. We picked up the starting numbers at the competition office, we made a deposit and went to listen to the mini concert.
Photo. Organizer

After a short warm-up we took off – honorably.
Photo. Karolina Rokitnicka

We ran to the coach and went to Golub-Dobrzyn, this time for the right start.
Photo. Karolina Rokitnicka

I admit the route surprised me, I was counting on “asfalt” a okazało się, that we run along sandy forest roads. Przez 21 km only forests, fields and just a few villages, asphalt can z 2 – 3 km. The weather was on our side, it was cloudy, temperature 17 degrees Celsius to reach at noon 22. Perfect for running!
Photo. Organizer

We moved very calmly, without “pressure” and the order was quickly established. Practically from 10 km I was running alone with a few runners away, byłam drugą kobietą. The other half led through the villages, we ran along the sidewalks, just like in Toruń. Do 30 km I ran very well, the crisis found me 7 km before the finish line. To 3 km to the finish line I was overtaken by a girl and that's how I finished the run 3 place among women (OPEN 25).
Photo. Organizer

Organizationally, everything worked out. I was afraid of these starts, transport and confusion. The organizers got it right. Very good protection of the route – lots of volunteers, firefighters, the police, city ​​guard and great signage – it was impossible to get lost. There were also water and banana points, as well as some wild extra. For me, there were too many of them in the beginning, then for over 10 km nothing. Desperate, I asked the firefighter for water and he gave me a bottle – she saved me. I ran with her to the next water point. I didn't take bananas, because I was scared, for me “silt up”, I had my gels. It was similar before the finish, desperate, I asked the volunteers for water, but they didn't – the last point with water was 3 km before the finish line. She saved me.

There was a fair at the finish line, we got a medal and a warm meal. I felt like in Thailand, everyone was thanking for the run, appreciated the effort and I spent a good dozen or so minutes talking about the run with the participants of the fair.
I am very pleased with the run and the fact, that we took part in it. Recorded in the history of the first Camino Polaco Marathon – interesting setting, challenging route, dobra organizacja.
42K: 03:48:20 (3 OPEN women) in 04:20:30