5. vintage charity Harfaride: Prague-Dresden

From Prague to Dresden by bike, why not?

As soon as I saw the initiative of the Czech sports store – Harp, I knew, that I will take off and take on the bike route from Prague to Dresden. This year, the dates matched and we signed up for 5 edition of the Harfaride charity ride.

Collection of Fr. 6:30 under the store, by o 7:30 go on the route in a cycling company and with a car with technical facilities. First 60 km to the point “nutritional” Driving in Lovosice was very good. We had a bicycle crossing over a closed road and “rolled up” asfalt.

Until the next stop at 100 km in Dobkovice was not so rosy, the peloton sped up considerably and z 32-34 km / h it did 36-38 km / h and I couldn't keep it anymore. We arrived with the loss. Driving was not pleasant either because of the speeding cars. In fact, the entire route to the border with Germany was not very pleasant due to heavy traffic. The drivers honked at us, they did not let go of the peloton at roundabouts and the atmosphere was generally not very friendly for the driver versus our peloton.

Abroad, we divided into 2 smaller groups but unfortunately it was not slower. I barely managed 10 km to stay in the peloton, then I was standing out more and more. The route, however, was more enjoyable, shaded with minimal car traffic.

From the HARFASPORT store, we will drive along Freyova Street to Prosek and further from Prague via Ďáblická Street., Spořická, Ústecká we will drive to Zdiby, and further down the road 608 to Klíčany and Doksany. We will continue through Brozany nad Ohří, Brňany, Keblice, Lovosice, Usti nad Labem, Děčín, Bad Schandau, Koenigstein, Pirna and Dresden.

I didn't have time to admire the beautiful views of the gorge in the Czech Switzerland National Park, the spa town of Bad Schandau in Saxon Switzerland and the Elbe. I tried to use as much as I could from the tour but we had to try to keep up with the group. It was way too fast for me. We barely spotted the last stop in Bad Schandau, the group has long since arrived.

was 50 km, We entered the Elbe bike path and it was supposed to be slower, but it wasn't. Quite “we got lost” and the passage of the train and the closed gates considerably increased our loss. I was angry, that they are not waiting for us, several times we had doubts about how to go. To 165 km I had a huge crisis but I picked myself up and we got to the group, which surprisingly waited for us. We reached the center of Dresden in small jumps, stairs, and then to the parking lot. We gave advice! I drove the entire route.

After disguising and packing the bikes for the technical car, we went to the winery by coach to celebrate the success and then, in the evening we returned to Prague. I am very proud of myself.
Overall, the organization was a bit lame, it was more like a friend set than a regular ride. To the buffet points, supplies and the service car cannot be faulted – although he was supposed to go with us, the whole route was only to the border with Germany. I have the biggest reservations about the peloton itself, which should be divided into faster and slower cyclists, designation of people, who know the route and keep up the pace.
Cool, that we passed it, I am happy with the challenge taken but I will not come back to Harfaride.