Charity Form Test

Photo. Macko Maj

We caught the form, or rather short of breath, at the Charity Form Test in Prusice.

A fundraiser was held during the event for Bartuś
We chose 10 km and the route surprised us – we counted on two loops of Prusice Biegają and it turned out, that we are running along the route of the Run of the Three Towers. And that was a great idea, the weather was good and the run was fantastic.
After the run, a rich buffet waited, as well as a summary and decoration of the best Prusice Biegaja players 2021.
Photo. Macko Maj

In 9 I won the edition 2 place in K40, in fact, it was the last run that I lost the first st 7 seconds.

I am very, because I was not counting on any podium. I am looking forward to the start of the jubilee 10 of the season of Prusice Biegają and may it be equally good for me.