10 Running in search of the Holy. Nicholas

The jubilee Santa Claus in Prusice made me a wonderful gift.

Winter weather and the coldest night of the year did not bode well for success. after more than 20 degrees Celsius with less than a week of acclimatization, I had an impression when I ran, that I breathe ice. Na nic nie liczyłam, the goal as always was the finish line. At the start, but the whole running world showed up. I haven't seen such crowds for a long time, they came to Prusice “all”.
Photo. Organizer

I positioned myself a little further back than usual, but seeing who is in front of me, I decided to stand right behind “the lead” biegaczy. And it was a very good move, I sold the marauders only to the gate, then there was a relative order and I was able to run at my pace. Traditionally after 3 km it was only worse, but I reached the finish line as 8 kobieta i 1 w kategorii. I was very pleased and even happy. This is the best run of the year and the victory we have won, which tastes best.
Photo. Organizer

Ironically, I am not satisfied with the time, there are still so many seconds to break…

5K: 00:22:42 in 00:23:20