9. Edycja Prusice Biegają 4 Etap

– the last stage of the cycle.

Set “bond” collected. This year, as part of the Prusice Run series, took place 4 biegi, we took off in 3 and thus we obtained the minimum to the general classification 2021 years.
Photo. Macko Maj

The weather was good, turnout too, and in general I can sum up the start of my performance as successful. I had the worst time in the history of my runs in Prusice, for me, however, the only thing that mattered was reaching the finish line. After the first two kilometers, I even had hope, on the result in my current standard. The third kilometer verified my dreams and I only looked at the backs of my rivals who were overtaking me.
Photo. Macko Maj

I was happy at the finish line, that I reached despite my wooden legs, purple nail and lack of form, and by some miracle I was anyway 3 w kategorii.
I like running in Prusice and we will certainly take part in the jubilee one 10 cycle in 2022 years.
5K: 00:23:05 (3 K45) in 00:23:31