Warta Mouth GPA (all the way to Ośno)

Ośno Lubuskie
Photo. Organizer

Recreational route 84 km i 350 m of elevation.
We got there in the late afternoon, straight from the finish line in Międzychód. We only accidentally booked the hotel 200 m from the start and rally base. It was with great pleasure that we went for a walk around the city's Reczynek Lake and enjoyed the beautiful weather. In the morning we were greeted by the sun and strong gusts of wind.
Photo. Organizer

A lot of racers went on the road, and probably the largest group of women during this year's edition. The route was interesting until entering the Warta embankment, where it blew, it was flat but also because of it 15 km dragged on cruelly.

A compulsory point of the rally is a fragment traversing the area of ​​the Warta Mouth, the youngest National Park in Poland, which was officially created only in 2001 r., m.in. in order to protect picturesque backwaters, numerous species of birds and rare vegetation.

The views were magical: backwaters, grazing herds of cows, amazing shades of green, riders, horses!

Tradycyjnie, behind the food point, on GPA always around the middle of the route, I started to lose my strength and this time the struggle with pain joined. Several times I considered whether to throw the bike into the bushes and lie down on the grass, waiting to be helped in the form of a car, but I did it only at the finish line – I threw my bike and fell on the grass. When the pain eased a bit, I got on my bike and reached the rally base – fortunately only a little over 2 km.