Battle of Warsaw Tour

UCI Granfondo World Series – Warsaw - Modlin Fortress

Tempted by the possibility of competing under the aegis of the International Cycling Union (FIA) and fact, that the competition came to the first time “the heart of Poland” we went to the battle to the Modlin Fortress.
Parking and office were at a very specific hotel, at least there were plenty of free parking spaces. The organizers, however, did not take care of basic sanitary facilities and restrooms, a washroom or even a changing room, not to mention the showers.

We rode our bikes to the starting point – około 3 km. Here, at least, there were tojki, but it was not possible to wash your hands!
It was cloudy and unpleasantly chilly. We started to the middle distance – MiddleBackground – 75 km with altitude difference 250 m.

The crowd thickened, but there were still relatively few participants – 150 people.
We took off, and despite the honorary start with a sharp 5 km everyone was spinning as much as possible in their legs. A small group soon formed, in which we managed to keep almost the entire distance. Along the way, “we collected” subsequent players. It was bad for me in the group, guys kept driving my way and pushing me out at the end. From an individual with a number 552, to whom I noticed, I heard a steak of insults and the threat of being thrown into the ditch. No no, very nice to go with guys / beetroots. Now I appreciate the fact of starting in the women's sector on VIA Dolny Śląsk!

The competitions are held all over the world and their aim is to promote competition among masters and amateurs. These events spread the idea of ​​the globalization of cycling and the "Bicycle for all" campaign., bringing together thousands of people from all over the world.

We rushed without cooperating, riding everyone on top of each other. To 35 km we had an average of 37.99 km / h. On the way we passed one accident and shortly afterwards our group had a crash. Fortunately, nothing happened to anyone and we managed to avoid it. About 10 km before the finishing line it started very unpleasant, patched road – I lost my strength and lost contact with the group. Maciek stayed with me and we entered the finish line with the start 2 minutes.
I have to eat much more, because they are my prey 3 jelly beans and only on 64 km gel, Plus, I drank maybe half of the iso bottle. No wonder, that I don't have enough strength in the end.

We got a regenerative meal at the finish line. The big downside was the lack of washrooms and changing rooms! I had an opportunity to dress up on the podium, because as 1 I got a T-shirt in the category, gold medal and cup!