10. Cross-country Ski Run

Photo. Macko Maj

6 km along field and forest paths in Skokowa

We haven't been there yet. The route advertised as difficult and demanding did not deter us from taking part in the competition. The May regeneration meal was an incentive – sausage and beer with a complete opener!

I didn't think about my options, I wanted to run and have fun. On the spot, we received warnings about mud and unevenness on the route. I lined up at the end of the pack and we ran. I was surprised when I easily managed to keep up with the pace of the leaders and even overtake my competitors from Prusice. I was running and I didn't think about it, only at the end of the route did mud and puddles appear. I've had several panic attacks – I was running focused, I placed my feet more slowly and carefully. In the middle of the distance, someone shouted, że jestem 4 woman and I had a plan on “pressing” because the third one was right in front of me. However, only before the finish line 50 może 100 meters, I sprinted, I ran out 2 steps to third place and 5 to the second…

I am very, very happy. I took it 1 miejsce w kategorii, but also a bit disappointed, will 2 seconds is so little! I did not expect such a good run in my performance. Well, that I can still race!
Photo. Macko Maj

6K: 00:28:23 (1 K40) in 00:28:36