Special report: 3 months from removing the plaster

Autumn, winter, spring is coming. I'm not looking for fast-paced swallows. I am pleased with the official permission to run – it was supposed to be optimal 6 months from the plaster removal and it is 3 months earlier!

I focus on gradually increasing the distance. The pace a bit over 5 min per km are considered very good. In March I want to run already 10 km, the half marathon seems to me to be a cosmic distance and my result 1:37 an astronomical achievement! In terms of efficiency, it is still poor and the crazy rides on the trainer did not improve it. “Hamster” was officially disassembled and the time has come for the road. I was afraid of the asphalt, proved to be, that I do not feel the effects of a fracture on the bike. I can spin until I'm breathless, enjoy the speed and forget about breaking.

Things are a bit different at home after all, but what happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas. One thing is certain, this year will be around again and again! And with this optimistic accent I end the reports!

Dzięki Rowery.org for the calendar! It is already in 100% packed with planned cycling events.