It started 13 June

The first two rounds they did not foreshadow such a weak end. And it's not about my running but the organizer. It took a long time to see the results after the third qualifying heat, what else am I able to understand – verification, does not change the fact, that communication organizer – players practically ceased to exist. Along with the qualification, the final distance was announced – although the information was not announced until the day before the final. OK. Maybe that's better, I was afraid 35 km, however, there was only one to overcome 21 km and it was time for proper preparation.

won 3 place among women.

100 people with the highest total of points will qualify for the final run. Participation in the final run is free of charge. Based on the results obtained in the final run, the following classifications will be conducted: general classification (women and men), age ratings

The organizer probably went for a trail run, because communication with the participants froze. Injury, because what was going to be interesting ended so badly. After the intervention, a list with age categories was published. The announced medals shipment was delayed and it was clarified / clarified again after a question from the participant. Unnecessarily, the medal and the statuette were also sent separately, which reached me broken.
The race was in parts and the prize had to be. I am very disappointed with how the organizer finished, damage – a lot of running potential was lost.